Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 29th and #Gauntlet2

                Hey everyone.  It's May 29th - 2014 on a rainy morning in Miami Beach.  We have a lot of things going on in Journeys and Omega.  First off I want to say congrats on Hugo Alan in taking the position of Psychic Gym leader.  He is replacing Ritchie Alvarez, so that Ritchie can focus more on his original goal in challenging the league.
               Since I didn't get to have the tournament last Saturday #Gauntlet2 will be this coming up Saturday at 9PM Est.  You need to follow the link and register your name and friend code to be correctly entered.  Tournament rules are listed: No Legends, megas are allowed except Gengar, No Duplicate Pokemon, Banned Moves Destiny Bond-Perish Song-and ALL ONE HIT KO MOVES and of course no spamming moves.

                To commemorate memorial day and Summer I have decided to do 2 huge giveaways - one in each group as well as Shiryuu and Darkmoon.  Each giveaway I will be featuring something different. If your interested please go and check them out.  I had commented last time that Emma Collins had accepted my Elite Four position in Omega and I have decided to give that position to Kami.  Kami comes to us from Mexico and he's already a Water Gym Leader in Journeys but he's a little less busy then what Emma is, so it would only make sense. 
               So today I wanted to feature a few pieces of art that I found that I liked.  These pieces come to us from Zark aka Joshua Garcia.  Zark has an upcoming interview that I will post next week.  He posted these in the chat the other day and I really liked them.  I just wanted to show them off and tell everyone that all work is appreciated.




Remember to catch us on twitter

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Pokemon X and Y Journey to be the very Best Youtube Channel

Pokemon X and Y: Journey to be The Very Best -

Pokemon: The Omega Experience -

               Now that group business is done I want to go ahead and commence with today's interview.  Today's interview is with Jessie Peterson.  Jessie is a Elite Four Ghost Gym Leader as well as Admin for Journeys.

Me: How long have you been playing pokemon?

Jessie: I've been playing since I was 10, Pokemon Gold was my first pokemon game.

Me: What is your favorite Pokemon game and why?

Jessie: Hmmm... It's a close tie between Crystal and Emerald.  Pokemon Crystal was pretty big for me during my childhood; I have many fond memories playing it with my brother and school friends, and I love every Pokemon Gen 2 introduced.  Also, it was the first game you could play as a girl, and the day/night time mechanic was cool.  I also love Emerald, the jump in graphics was great, and I also like every pokemon that Gen 3 introduced.  The contests were really fun. I also remember it as being my first game I logged a lot of hours into in one file (382), before the game pooped out and I lost my file.
Me: Gen 2 or 3 - Generation 2 is considered Pokemon Crystal, Silver, and Gold and Generations 3 is considered Pokemon Sapphire, Rube, and Emerald.

Me: Who is your favorite pokemon and why?

Jessie: It's really hard to choose just one, but Gengar is probably my favorite. I love how mischievous and sinister it looks. But it's also cute. For any first playthrough of a pokemon game I can catch a Gastly in the wild, it's in my team.

Gengar in your Nightmares

Me: What do you think the biggest appeal Pokemon provides for people?

Jessie: The really cool creatures you can catch and train.  The fun mini games that you can play, like the Contest, the Amie, Battle Tower and the like.  The story lines are simple enough where anyone of any age can play and appreciate, but it's also not the entire focus of the game so it's not generally disappointing.  It's a game friendly enough for any kind of player -- casual or more hardcore -- to enjoy the game, but there's still enough to offer (IV Breeding and Competitive Battling) to give people plenty to do after they've beaten the storyline. Completing the pokedex these days is quite a feat. There's a lot of repeat gameplay potential and a lot to offer, without overcomplicating the game.  It's not the kind of game where you need an expensive console or a top-end gaming P.C. to play.  There's still a good online side to it, so that you can play with your friends.  It literally took me five  months to complete the whole game.  Pokemon Emerald was the closest game I ever came to completing the Pokedex.  I was only missing 3 Pokemon when I lost my file. Surskit, Latias, and Seviper. I remember for weeks at a time for my brother's friend to come visit, so that he would trade and battle me.

Me: So what would you tell someone who is just picking up a copy of Pokemon x or Y for the very first time?

Jessie: Play with your favorites! If the players were interested in learning or had questions about it, I would be happy to show them the ropes to the competitive side of the game -- one of the really nice things about XY was that they made that a lot more accessible and easier to accomplish. Mostly play with your favorites though. It's always infinitely better than just playing with what's "good or what's the most popular." 

Me: What has been the most important part of being part of Pokemon x and y: Journey to be the very best and why?

Jessie: Making new friends, and having people to just hang out and battle with. The best part of this group is that it's aimed to be friendly for any kind of people, and there's a great sense of community. And there's always people who are willing to help others. You can really tell the difference between a group that's got structure and people who care about the community versus having just a conglomerate of just...people. I'm looking forward to watching watching it grow.

Me: What do you think the most overused pokemon is and why you think that it is way over used?

Jessie:  Talonflame.  Easily. It's strong and it's easy to spam Brave Bird over and over. And it's a freaking falcon.( Who doesn't like those?).  
Me: For those of you that don't know spamming a move in when you use the same move over and over when attacking.  Sometimes it is frowned upon by some players and sometimes it is not.

Talon most likely using Brave Bird

Me: Has there ever been a portion of the game that you have had trouble with/ struggled to grasp the concept of?

Jessie: Out of the competitive side of things, Breeding vs. Team Building, I would say Team Building.  Even after just learning how to IV breed in X and Y, Team Building is still a challenge for me sometimes. It's a lot of trial and error, and a lot of work.

Me: Could you elaborate a little on the subject for our readers?

Jessie:  The concept of having Walls, Tanks, Casters, and Stalls. Stall Teams or Offensive Teams. I used to just play with whatever pokemon I like and mostly just use offensive moves on them.

Me: Finally - What would you say to someone who said your never going to be taken seriousily for playing a child's game?

Jessie: That they're pretty much wrong and there's plenty of, if not the majority of, older people who play Pokemon. It was a big part of our childhoods - how can you really blame someone not wanting to give up something they loved growing up?  

           Well that's it folks for the interview segment.  I would just like to thank Jessie for taking some time out and sharing her insights into the views on the world of Pokemon and we will catch up to you next time with the interview of Joshua(Zark)Garcia.

If you are interested in speaking to Jessie Peterson you can find her through these outlets.

Jessie Peterson
Facebook -

Friend Code

Ign - Phthalia

Friend Safari - Flying
Tropius, Tranquill, Pidgey


I wanted to give a special shout out to the other Facebook Groups that we partner with!  Please give your time to drop in and say hello to these upstanding people for, like me believing in the power of Pokemon to recreate a world that resembles the games and the experiences!

Bexx who help run The Darkmoon League -

Bryan Holifield who runs The Shiryuu League -

Evan Scott Farshadow who helps run Cat's Epic Pokemon Cloning Group -

Evan Scott Farshadow who helps run Evan's Elite Pokemon Master Club

To the peeps who help run the group 3DS Friend Code Exchange -

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