Sunday, October 19, 2014

Countdown to ORAS and much, much, more.....

          Hello Everyone.  Today is Sunday the 19th of October and we have exactly one month and two days till the arrival of ORAS.  October for most people brings the onset of fall weather and colors.  Here in Miami we never see its more Northern effects.  Some people especially in Japan and Europe have already received codes to download the ORAS demo.  North America receives it codes tomorrow October 20th, so if you haven't registered at I would advise you to do so before all the codes are gone, that is if you want the demo.  You should be careful some  people from the groups are getting scammed out of Pokemon by people wanting to trade Pokemon for their codes.  If you do trade or barter with someone for a code, make sure it's coming from a good source.  I personally want it because I have heard positive reviews from people that have played and I want to see how the revamps look compared to the older games.

          It's been awhile since my last update, but never fear the update is here.  I've been busy with some real life stuff and of course with group stuff and helping people.  Big changes are coming our way with the release of ORAS.  Not only are the new games coming out, but Omegas will be changing our gaming format to fit the Hoenn battles.  It only makes sense to change even though Pokemon X and Y are good games, people will playing the newer games.  I have heard and read some articles stating that there will be no problems whatsoever in backwards compatibility between ORAS, Pokemon X/Y, Poke Bank, and Poke Transfer.  What are your thoughts about it?  What is your biggest concerns concerning the new games and Hoenn games?  The questions I am concerned with is if people playing ORAS will be able to challenge Kalos gamers and will Nintendo make good on their November 21st arrival date for the games?  As time progresses we will try to bring you up to date on the latest info concerning all of the above.

          Concerning ORAS five new Megas were introduced here recently; Mega Pidgeot, Beedrill, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Steelix and Mega Glalie.  Alas, it looks like Blaziken still only has one Mega Evolution which in my opinion if Charizard has an X and Y Mega I think that Torchic should get another Mega as well.  Perhaps something making him a bit more bulkier - giving him better defense?  Also there will be some improvements and modifications to your Pokedex including the Dex Nav which will be located in the Poke Nav will have a search level as you encounter Pokemon in the wild.  As this increases you will be able to find Pokemon with rare moves and abilities.  You will also be able to mark Pokemon that you have seen and haven't seen bringing a more realistic approach to the games.

Mega Beedrill

Mega Pidgeot

Mega Glalie

Mega Steelix

Mega Rayquaza

           Gauntlet 6 was yesterday and we had 14 contestants with Pamela Gahagan winning her first tournament, so congratulations to Pam for a wonderful job.  The Next tournament will be on November 15th at 5 pm EST and will mark the last of the Kalos tournament for awhile.  All Gym Leaders and Elites have to participate unless excused, so please plan ahead.

Pamela Gahagan

           In Omegas we have for the last three weeks have been putting out a Pokemon of the week segment in the group called OCC or Omegas Competitive Corner.  This segment is put together by one of our very own Gym Leaders Gabriell Matos and is quite informative.  This segment gives you info about the Pokemon as well as several different Competitive Builds that you can use for yourself for battles for different occasions.  If you see Gabriell tell him what's up and thanks for the resources and time that he puts into this.  If your interested the OCC goes up every Wednesday/Thursday.

          For the last bit of news Pokemon related is Smash Brothers 3DS.  Pokemon fans and fighting game fans alike are cheering this is a nice little fighter that Nintendo has put out.  I haven't played a Smash Bros game since Nintendo 64 version came out and I'm overall impressed.  Although I would much rather see this on a big screen television.  In my opinion probably one of the better fighting games that Nintendo has put out.  Smash has a nice selection of fighters at your choice.  A virtual who's who of Nintendo gaming history from Link, Mario and company, Pikachu and friends to Starfox and it gets better.  In game there are many items you can use from historic Nintendo icons and weapons such as Mario's Power Up Mushroom to various Pokemon that can be used from conviently dropped Pokeballs.  You can also make a customized fighter if this large assortment of characters doesn't grab your attention.  Not only can you play online with your friends, but you can take part in side challenges and mini-games galore. I don't think people will get bored of this one for awhile.  Although with a lot of neat stuff you can do the, there are some down sides to the game.  Smash Bros. suffers a little in the controls section and unless you and your online opponent have great wifi, your game is going to lag a little or a lot like in my case a couple of days ago where an online game looked more like the Matrix then it did as a Smash Game.  This game also penalizes Rage Quitters by compiling online wait times for you if you quit the game early, which is something I think they should try with the Pokemon games.  In closing if you have the extra 39.99 go ahead and get this one.  It's going to hold you over till ORAS comes out.

          As a special shout out goes to Red Titus who just recently beat the Enlightened League Gyms and Champion which was me.  Congratulations Red....  

          One unique aspect of social media allows us as a people to become connected through the verse and share our ideas with one another.  More now then ever is it important to click the like buttons and click those subscribe buttons.   If you seen a Youtube video you like or something that catches your attention - leave a positive, thoughtful comment - believe me those comments and numbers mean a lot to us that are striving to do something with our love of Pokemon or whatever it is.  Until next time thank you and have a blessed week.

Remember you can find us at



Of course you can find us on facebook -

Pokemon: The Omega Experience  -

 Here are the groups that we are currently promoting 

.Pokemon X and Y: Journey to be the Very Best (Pokemon Community/League) -

Pokemon X and Y: Journey to be the Very Best

.Kingdom of Legends (A Clan based Pokemon Group)    -

Kingdom of Legends

.Enlightened  League (Pokemon Community/League) -

The Enlightened League

.Team Magma (Pokemon Community with an R rating) -

Team Magma

.Champion Stadium (Pokemon Community and League) -

Champion Stadium

.Pokedex (Pokemon Community)  -


Until next time everyone Be safe, be well my friends....

If you want your group promoted here or want any info on joining these groups - Just send me an email or leave a comment.



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