Friday, August 1, 2014

Summer Dayze and things to come.

            Good afternoon everyone.  Well it's officially hot out there and we're all sweating.  It's been over a week since I updated my group blog.  Not a lot has been happening in the world of Pokemon and the groups in general.  I have decided to overhaul the gyms in Omegas and for a short time I am closing them down.  It will continue to operate as a Pokemon Community.  I feel blessed for having a group of individuals helping me - who have volunteered their time and resources.

             Genesis has created a special league within Journeys that the gyms are related to the special regions found within the world of Pokemon.  Private message him if you are interested in that. 

            Activity with the game has been down, I assume that most of everyone that has been playing the game since it's arrival last November has gotten a little bored with the game.  Most everyone who bought the game in November, finished the game around January/February.  I think people have just been looking for activities to do with the game; breeding for the upcoming games, egglocke, wonderlocke, etc.  From the look of things Competitive Battling on facebook looks like it's in decline and probably won't pick back up or near this November with the new games are coming out.

            The Instagram and Twitter accounts are doing great.  Everyday we are picking up new followers and viewers. So thanks for the following and the support. 

            Highlights for this week and The Enlightened League and the Kingdoms of Legend groups.  If your interested in Competitive Battling in a gym type setting check out -
            The Enlightened League

         If you are interested in a clan type setting for Competitive Battling then check out -

           Kingdoms of Legends -

          .Gauntlet 4 will be August 16th at 6 pm EST.

           Because of creative differences Omegas and Journeys will no longer be associated with 3DS Friend Codes Exchange.

          .If your looking for our social media outlets;


YouTube - 

Brad Mayes -
Brad's Twitter - twitter@uturncrobat

Paul Thomas-Weston  -
Paul's Twitter - Twitter@thepokepaul

                          Here are some of the newest projects we have completed at the Omega: Day Care;

Altaria Build By Me

Deino Build By Me

Dratini Build By Me

Pikachu Build By Kershun

Totodile Build By Me

Murkrow Build By Me

Pichu Build By Me

Hitmonchan Build By Donated

Hoothoot Build By Keith Battle
Noibat Build By Zark Garcia
Chespin Variant Build By Keith Battle

           Well folks thanks for tuning in this week.  Next week I will be interviewing Brad Maynes and hopefully giving you some new info on the upcoming Omega Sapphire and Alpha Ruby Games.

If you have the time please go check out these groups and show some support.

 Daniel Stein and friends who run Team Magma -

Bryan Holifield and friends who help run Pokemon: Region World Cup -
 Bryan Holifield who runs The Shiryuu League -

Evan Scott Farshadow who helps run Cat's Epic Pokemon Cloning Group -

 Ben Davis who runs  Pokemon: Blasters

Glen Coggins and myself who run The Enlightened League -

Tony Bentley and myself who runs Kingdoms of Legends -

Be safe and be kind to one another.  Have a blessed day!

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