Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Beginning, New Direction

      It's been a few weeks since I have posted a blog entry.  Here we are and there's plenty of new.  First off we are Pokemon: The Omega Experience now and not Journey's anymore.  Why the change?  Good question.  First and foremost - Well it was a personal one and a forced choice.  Second thing you might have noticed was the new logo - Duh (self explanatory) but no seriously we are moving in a different, better direction.  I've had to deal with a few real life issues in the last 3 weeks or so and I had to make some choices regarding my stay and involvement with some of the Facebook groups that I was in and how much work that I was doing with the groups.
      A difference in ideas makes the world of difference and it was time for me to move on.  Journey's will always have a special place in my heart, but I felt like it wasn't my own.  So here we are and here we go.

      Pokemon: The Omega Experience for those that know is a tight knit Pokemon community - that is and has always been a family.  The gym leaders are to me brothers and sisters through this adventure.  I have hand picked them because of their experience and their personalities.  I want to introduce them:

Gym Leaders

.Gabriell Alexis Matos                        -    Grass       (Rolling Hills Gym)
.Sean Quigley                                      -    Poison     (Toxic Gym)
.Pamela Gahagan                                 -    Fighting   (Eviscerate Gym)
.Catherin Ngyuen                                -    Water       (Tidal Gym)
.Guandrell Tony                                  -    Normal     (Plain Gym)
.DaRon Sansom                                  -    Steel          (Armor Gym)
.Mikey Rios Rodriguez                       -    Ghost        (Poltergeist Gym)
.Zark  Garcia                                        -    Dark         (Abyssal Gym)
.Mervyn Santos                                   -    Justice Elite Four
.Bryan Holifield                                  -    War      Elite Four
.Luis Cruz Gonzales                           -    Honor   Elite Four

Chris Perales                                       -   Courage Elite Four

Kershun                                               -  Fire           (Inferno Gym)

.Zark Garcia and Vice President
.Tony Bentley

Tony Bentley also acts as Omega's Engineer and architect.

Now that I have introduced my family.   I want you to see a little bit about what we have going on under the hood of our operations.

             We have experts in battle testing, team building, over all pokemon knowledge, item retrieval, cloning,  We have a website in the works.  We have a twitter, and an Instagram accounts.  We also have a room set aside specifically for showing off our Pokemon builds. 

              I will also try and bring you the the most recent news on the new games coming out and new info I can regarding any and all aspects of The Pokemon World at large.  

Pokemon: Omega Daycare and Breeding

          The daycare group offers folks a sheltered community where one can setback and converse and share their Pokemons projects and builds with the rest of the group, so that we can openly share our experience and finished products with everyone in the group.



Of course you can find us on facebook -

Pokemon: The Omega Experience  -

Right now Pokemon: The Omega Experience is currently promoting four groups

Pokemon X and Y: Journey to be the Very Best
Pokemon X and Y: Journey to be the Very Best (Pokemon Community/League) -

.The Kingdom of Legends (Clan League) -

Enlightened League

.Enlightened  League (Pokemon Community/League

Team Magma

.Team Magma (Pokemon Community with an R rating) -

If you want your group promoted here or want any info on joining these groups - Just send me an email or leave a comment.

 I want to start a Friend Code Section, so if you comment, email, or message me your FC I will make sure they make unto the section and applied to the list and I'll see if I can find the Pokemon that are in your section.  Example

Friend Codes/Pokemon Safari

Name                    Friend Code         Safari Type                            
Jerry Wilson          0834-2643-8482    Oddish, Gogoat, Ivysaur        
Email -

Gabriell Matos      4871-4705-3997   Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb 
Email -

Ben Davis             0061-1312-7341    Pancham, Breloom, Machoke
Email -

Jonathan Masich    0044-3984-6330    Nuzleaf, Sandile,???                 

Zark Garcia            1736-1248-9034   Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo 
So until next update may your day be blessed and you safe from harm


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