Thursday, June 5, 2014

Todays Interview...... and a whole lot more....

         Hey everyone - It's June 5th and officially the first post of the month coming to you from the sunny beaches of Miami.  It's sunny, pleasant and very much so the beginning of summer.

         We wanna say a big "We Miss You" to Genesis who is away from the group right now.  He is training to become a truck driver so can start making those big bucks.  So if you see him online tell him what's up and a speedy return.

         The excitement seems to be growing for the upcoming release of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.  Apparently if you didn't know you can already go to your local Game Stop and pre-order both items.  I'm going next sometime next week to to put down for a copy of both.  I really don't know what to expect out of these games.  I know that they are being modeled after Pokemon: Sapphire, Pokemon: Ruby and Pokemon: Emerald.  However, I have no clue as of yet to the extent they will be willing to go to remake these titles. I guess time will tell and the the further along we go, the more info we will gather. 

I wanted to give a special shout to Sean Quigley and William Johnson for winning the Shiny Giveaways from Pokemon: Journey to be the Very Best and Pokemon: The Omega Experience. The Shiny Giveaway for Shiryuu League is still going on till Friday night.

        I wanted to give a special shout out to Tony Bentley who has undertaken a major event within our group - Omega.  Tony is modifying a copy of Pokemon: Fire Red to fit the fictional world of our Facebook gym league, Pokemon: The Omega Experience.  Our group is set in the fictional region known as Delta Reef which is slightly based on Miami. So I would like to update you further as he progresses on this.

Tony Bentley AKA The Engineer of the group

Please don't forget to reach us at:


Now on Instagram

Pokemon X and Y Journey to be the very Best Youtube Channel

Pokemon X and Y: Journey to be The Very Best -

Pokemon: The Omega Experience -

        Ok now that room business is over I would like to go ahead with today's interview. 

        Today I am interviewing Zark(Joshua)Garcia.  Zark comes from the island of Puerto Rico, where he still lives and goes to school.  Zark is an admin in both Journeys and Omega as well as gym leader in both as well.  In Pokemon  and Y: Journey to be The Very Best - he's the Dark Gym Leader and in Pokemon: The Omega Experience - he leads the Vengeance Elite Four Gym.  Mr. Garcia is very creative which he tends to express from time to time through artwork of various types and ideas that he presents to the groups.  He's a very hard worker who applies himself to furthering the groups and to helping other members as well.  Zark is almost always in a great mood and seems legitimately concerned about about the well being of the other members.  Here we go ladies and gentlemen.

Zark Garcia

Me: So how long have you been playing Pokemon?

Zark: I've been playing since Pokemon Emerald.

Me: Out of all the Pokemon games you've played what is your favorite and why?

Zark: Well I like Pokemon Emerald because it brings really good memories and Pokemon X and Y because because X and Y  are a whole new way of playing Pokemon and making friends.

Me: So out of the 718 Pokemon and their various incarnations, which one is your favorite and why?

Zark: Zoroark is my favorite because I Love dark types and also I like his illusion ability, and also the movie was pretty awesome. 

Me: What movie are you referring to?  I have seen a few of them, but that one doesn't seem to ring a bell with me.

Zark: Im referring to Pokemon: Zoroark - Master of Illusions.

Me: Is that your favorite movie?

Zark: Negative, my favorite movie is Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

Me: Why is Lucario and the mystery of Mew your favorite movie?

Zark: Great story overall and the characters are very likeable.   Lucario is a powerful and interesting Pokemon and seeing what Lucario went through in the movie is well, just touching.

Me: Are you a fan of the anime and the manga?

Zark: I like both the anime and the manga.

Me: Is there one you like better than the other?

Zark: I like the games the most, but between the anime and manga i prefer the anime.

Me: What part of the group do you like most?

Zark: I like being able to talk to people with the same interests as myself and I like getting to know all the members a little better.

Me: What made you decide to join this particular group?

Zark: Well Genesis commented on my fighting request that he was making a league and that if I was interested I had to add him.  It was kind of a "let's see what happens" then moment.

Me: So if a player was picking up the game for the first time what would you tell them as far as creating a team?

Zark: Pick the team you feel comfortable with. Don't always copy a team from another person or from the internet suggestions because knowing “YOUR” Pokemon can turn into a great advantage when it comes to tough battles.  It’s best to do your homework and compare notes with not just some Pokemon, but a lot of Pokemon.  Remember, there are over 700 different Pokemons at your leisure to use.

Me: So out of the league so far who has been your toughest opponent?

Zark: Without a doubt the one of my toughest opponents has been Kami.  He prefers water types,   who is very tough and very smart when it comes to playing.  Kami also knows his stuff when it comes to the many facets of the complex world of Pokemon.  He's strong,  but every legend just need the perfect team and the right strategy.
Me: Kami is good.  He is the one who first besides Nicholas Anderson, started suggesting Pokemon for me to select into my team and persuaded me to start doing my homework.  If i have a question about team building I usually seek out his advice first.

      Well folks that's it for today's interview.  Remember if you want to find Zark you can always go to the groups and find him there and message him or tag his name.  If you want to get ahold of him here is a few ways.

Joshua (Zark) Garcia


Friend Code 

Ign - Zark

Friend Safari - Ghost
Shuppet, Spiritomb, and Pumpkaboo

  I wanted to give a special shout out to the other Facebook Groups that we partner with!  Please give your time to drop in and say hello to these upstanding people for, like me believing in the power of Pokemon to recreate a world that resembles the games and the experiences!

Bexx who help run The Darkmoon League -

Bryan Holifield who runs The Shiryuu League -

Evan Scott Farshadow who helps run Cat's Epic Pokemon Cloning Group -

Evan Scott Farshadow who helps run Evan's Elite Pokemon Master Club

To the peeps who help run the group 3DS Friend Code Exchange -
To Ben Davis and Myself who are Renovating Pokemon: Blasters -

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